Beat your age

Hot Take: There is no cut off age for running. This month’s blog is more of an opinion piece based on what I have seen clinically and while working with athletes. There is minimal research out there related to age and running. It isn’t uncommon to hear phrases like “my doctor told me to stop running”, “running is bad for my knees”, “because I ran my joints are bad” . There is no research to support these comments. For every runner with “bad knees”, you will find someone who has not run a day in their life with bad knees. Some boney changes like arthritis can be genetically determined. Running when performed in the correct moderation and with the right tools can be good for our bodies can not contribute to its deterioration.

As an aging athlete, you don’t need to stop. You just have to approach goals differently. You can’t train like you did in your 30s. Here are a few common things I talk about with my aging athlete: 

  • Recovery is King! You need more recovery between races and workouts, which can mean lower volume while maintaining quality.

  • Your body is going through changes such as changes in vision and the inner ear that affect balance. Often working on balance and other smaller stabilizing muscles not only reduce pain in the joints but improve performance and decrease risks of falls.

  • Especially with women, there is a risk of bone density changes postmenopause. This CAN be counteracted with different prescriptions in both running and lifting. 

In summary, don’t let age define you! I am blessed to have a long list of clients and patients I have worked with through the years that are still getting after it in their wiser years. It looks different, but they are out there working hard and kicking butt! The key is to know how your body is changing with age and change your training to accommodate it. 
Feeling like your running days are coming to an end?? Reach out to learn what you can do to keep moving!!! 


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