2025 is YOUR YEAR! This program is designed for the new runner as well as the recreational runner looking to step up their game!


*Couch to 5k program for those starting with no running base

*5k program for those who might have been running but looking to learn how to get faster

*Support from Runners Roost in your Journey and community at Thursday Night Run Clubs

*Join the Prediction Run 5k on 4/10 hosted by Runners Roost Golden

FOR $30…

*The plans to improve your running!

*Discounts to Runners Roost, Unite Fitness and Carbs Performance and Wellness

*Some sweet gear!

*3 online educational sessions

*Support from Runners Roost in your Journey and community at Thursday Night Run Clubs

*Join the Prediction Run 5k on 4/10 hosted by Runners Roost Golden

$2 processing fee added at checkout

Read more below and Purchase the plan TODAY!

What you’ll get for only $30!

  • ✺Gear

    15% off a purchase of running shoes at Runners Roost Golden

    and a Carbs branded shoe bag and water bottle to use during your running journey!

  • ✺Physical Therapy

    10% Discovery visit/Gait analysis with Carbs Performance and Wellness

  • ✺Training Plan

    Training program to build up to a 5k or improve your 5k speed at a fun run on 4/10

  • ✺Strength

    2 free weeks of training at Unite fitness as well as 20% off monthly membership fees (when purchasing 3 months)

  • ✺Education

    Access to 3 educational sessions from Dr. Carbiener covering

    1. Warm-up and Cool-down and mobility

    2. Rest and recovery, what pain is okay to push through

    3. Cross Training: what is it and how to best implement it

  • ✺Support

    Support from the Roost Staff at Thursday Night Run Club (meeting every Thursday at 6pm)