Attend this event for FREE! 2/4/2024 at 6pm at Runners Roost Golden

2120 Ford St, Golden, CO 80401

Learn from our knowledgeable speakers about what you need to be doing both physically and mentally to conquer the challenge of continuing to run as you age.

Maybe you heard from your doctor that your running days are done.

Or that you are “too old” to keep racing and competing.

We want to debunk the idea that running ends!

Dr. Katie Carbiener is a Physical therapist and coach and will talk about some of the physiological changes that come with aging and ways to address these changes. She is passionate about keeping anyone who wants to run, running despite their age.

Roel Snieder is a professor at School of Mines and a certified Freedom Coach. He has started his journey into the new era of his running career and will share wisdom and ideas of how to mentally conquer aging.

Caolan MacMahon is a longtime running coach with “The Long Run Coaching” and also just recently released a book called “Running Past 50: Your Guide to Running Longevity and Success”. She will also contribute some important things to consider as an aging runner to keep you motivated and optimistic about your running future.

Age is a number, but it doesn’t have to define you or your running!