Where can you find Dr. Carbiener?
Trailhead CrossFit
811 Brickyard Cir. Golden, CO 80403
On Tuesdays, Dr. Carbiener has an office space at Trailhead as well access to the gym for exercises and personal training.
Home Office
Some days Dr. Carbiener see people out of her home office on the north side of North Table. The address is available when scheduled.
Runners Roost
2120 Ford St, Golden, CO 80401
On most Mondays, you can find Katie at Runners Roost Golden. If you have questions or need a shoe fitting, this is where to go! No appointments are needed. *this is NOT considered PT, only suggestions can be provided in this setting. If you need a full gait analysis, reach out to schedule an appointment.
Home Visits
Depending on availability, Dr. Carbiener can met you at your home or alternative locations like a trail. Additional travel fees will be applied.